The Hidden Cost of an “Office Manager”

by Steve Gifford Your Office Manager seems like a cheap solution to staffing your small business. After all, she is...

The Case for Outsourcing

Economic Case Cost Base – The cost base for a small-medium business (SMB) for HR varies by demand, talent, and...

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OEM’s CEO David Fernandez was interviewed in Inc. Magazine in the March 2015 issue

Highlights: “In addition to differing by regional focus, PEOs may also differ in terms of service delivery.” “Its a very...

WHYN 560 interviews OEM America

OEM’s Bob Lepecki was recently interviewed on WHYN 560.  Here is what he had to say.

Employee Rules for Inclement Weather

How do you know when and how to pay employees, when inclement weather hits?  It can be a confusing and...

You Can’t Just Call Everyone Salaried

Salaried vs. Hourly? Exempt vs. Non-exempt? (more…)

Is Your Business By Design, or By Chance?

Here’s a useful exercise: pick a single piece of paper that comes across your desk.  Or, an email that comes...

Take Care of your American Employees

International companies with employees in the United States face a number of complex issues.  American employees have to be paid...

PEO’s can be your go-to staffing fix – Arizona Daily Sun

Question: As I need to add more staff for my growing small business, I find that interviewing and all the...