Are You Playing “Bet Your Business” with Wage and Hours?

You’re cruising on the “Highway Of Business” at what appears to be a nice comfortable clip. You think you know...

You can’t “Explain Away” Safety Trends

by Steve Gifford Put simply, three reportable injuries in a two year period is a trend. Pretending it isn’t will...

Inc Magazine: Seven Ways Businesses Can Dodge Obamacare

From Inc Magazine: A handful of experts interviewed by The Fiscal Times outlined the following seven tactics for dodging health care reform,...

Streamlining HR: Let Somone Else Do It (WSJ)

From the Wall Street Journal: There’s an option for small companies that want to ease their human-resources headaches: have their...

Streamlining HR: Let Somone Else Do It (WSJ)

From the Wall Street Journal: (more…)