Captivate and Connect: Mastering Public Speaking in HR

The importance of Public Speaking in Human Resources is often overlooked, but it is an essential skill of any HR professional. Delivering presentations, conducting training sessions, or leading meetings requires the ability to speak formally and confidently in front of others. Even small scale communication, such as interviewing, requires great public speaking skills.

A confident HR professional speaks with assurance, maintains strong eye contact, uses clear body language, and employs a vocabulary that conveys expertise. They excel at public speaking skills in every interaction, reflecting the core values of the HR role. Consider these public speaking tips to become a master of public speaking in HR:

Timing is Key

Start strong, end on time, and connect with your audience. The first 15 seconds are vital to captivating the audience. Lay the foundation and demand respect through professionalism and confidence. Start and end your speech, presentation, training session, etc. on time because no audience likes someone who goes on and on.

According to, A recent Finnish study of 380 virtual work meetings showed that remote viewers reported feeling drowsy and many nearly falling asleep after just 10 minutes. Beyond just this study, many studies show that around 10 minutes all attention is lost. But when you have a plethora of information to convey, consider including physical and mental activities, storytelling to emotionally connect with the audience, and content such as powerpoints with photos and videos to keep the audience captivated.

It is not all about the words

The University of California, Los Angeles campus found that when people are speaking, approximately 7% of the message comes from the words, 36% of the message comes from your voice and 57% of the message comes from your nonverbal communication. Body language is important! Do not slouch or look upset because you will come off boring or unprofessional. To convey your message effectively, stand tall, make eye contact, and move around to pull in the audience.

It is okay to be afraid

For most people, public speaking is a big fear. Did you know that 75% of individuals experience fear when faced with public speaking? So you are not alone! But there are tips and tricks. Let’s explore effective strategies to conquer the fear of public speaking and transform into a top-tier HR professional who excels in delivering captivating presentations.

Preparation will give you the confidence that you have your ideas and thoughts gathered and ready for the presentation, speech, etc. Remember, the goal is to not just inform, but to inspire and engage your audience.

First: Take time to do thorough research on your topic.

This will not only guarantee you present correct information, it will also prepare you for possible questioning or improvisation if necessary.

Second: Understand your audience.

If your audience is more professional, craft your words with correct grammar and vocabulary. If your audience is more laid back, don’t be afraid to throw in a simple joke or use more casual vocabulary.

Third: Know Your Message.

What message do you want to convey to your audience? Your audience wants to hear what you have to say, and your message is most important.

Last but not least: Practice, Practice, Practice.

If the idea of speaking in front of a large audience is overwhelming, start small. Begin by practicing your speaking skills in front of a mirror or with a trusted friend or colleague. Gradually increase the size of your audience as you become more comfortable with public speaking. Practice will dull the anxiety and make you confident to speak in public.

Get Help!

Public speaking is not natural for everyone and requires learning and experience to excel. Don’t be afraid to seek feedback and advice from colleagues, mentors, or public speaking coaches. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement and build confidence in your speaking abilities.

Take a Deep Breath

Deep breathing lowers the heart rate and calms and focuses the mind. A clear mind and lowered heart rate will make public speaking much easier.

Public Speaking takes hard work and effort to execute effectively. You also are not alone in your public speaking jitters. Even some of the most well renowned professionals struggle getting up in front of a crowd. Just remember these tips and tricks to make public speaking easier and effective to become the best HR professional you can be.


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