The Rise of the 4-Day Workweek: Hype or Sustainable Model?

In recent years, the concept of the 4-day workweek has received an abundance of attention and has sparked debate across industries worldwide. The fear from many arguing against the implementation of a 4-day workweek often note that it compresses work, which leads to burnout and decreased productivity. Many companies have begun testing the shorter work week and the results are compelling.

A company based in the U.S. called Exos implemented a 4-day workweek in May 2023. With Fridays being titled “You Do You Fridays”, it has made drastic changes in the company. According to CNBC, Exos found that 91% of their employees increased productivity, increasing from 64% before the change. Also, revenue increased and turnover dropped. Many companies, just like Exos, are intrigued by this model.

Many companies have recognized that a 4-day workweek may be beneficial to the employee and the company, but is it worth the hype or is a 4-day workweek even a sustainable model for companies?

The 4-Day Workweek Model

The 4-day workweek model entails companies having employees work 4 days rather than the standard 5-day workweek model. Each company’s structure varies, yet all adhere to a 4-day workweek.

The Pros

The 4-day workweek has shown positive results for both employees and companies, some pros include:

Increased productivity

According to WifiTalents, “85% of businesses found increased productivity with a 4-day workweek.” With working only 4 days and having 3 days off, employees feel more refreshed and productive when they’re on the job, and companies can focus more on output than the hours worked.

Improved Employee Well-being

Employees with a four-day workweek experience less stress and have more time to spend at home. They may also be more likely to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which can lead to better performance. According to the World Economic Forum, a city called Valencia in Spain tried a 4-day workweek program over the duration of a month by scheduling local holidays on four consecutive Mondays throughout April and May 2023. Affecting 360,000 workers, the results show that people in the program had higher self-perceived health status, reduced levels of stress, were less tired and felt happier and more personally satisfied. Many other studies around the world share very similar results.

Reduced Absenteeism and Turnover

Having extra time off allows employees to have a better work-life balance. They can spend time with family and friends, take a day for themselves, or even travel. It allows employees to not consume their life and mind with work. Employees who are satisfied with their work-life balance are more likely to show up to work and stay with the company.

Environmental Benefits

A four-day workweek can reduce the number of times employees commute to work, which can help the environment. Companies may also spend less on heating, electricity, office supplies, and janitorial services. The research done in Valencia concluded that the drop in commuting led to a reduction in nitrogen dioxide emissions and improved the air quality.

Improved Recruitment and Retention

Lets face it, a 4-day workweek sounds irresistible! A 4-day workweek can make a company more attractive to prospective employees and can help retain existing employees.

Potential Challenges for Companies

It is important to understand the potential downsides of a 4-day workweek, and how maybe it isn’t meant for all industries.


Employees may have days where some are off and some are not, this can interfere with meeting times and teamwork in the workplace.


Despite the research reflecting increased productivity rather than decreased, it is important to note that this workweek model may not be for everyone. Employees may need to work longer hours to complete their tasks, which can lead to burnout and lower productivity. However, some say that the length of the day worked is more important than the number of days worked. So implementing four 10 hour days may be realistic for some.


Compressing work into 4 days may be more stressful for some. Fitting 40 hours of work into 32 can be stressful and will make it more likely for employees to experience burnout.

Not Suitable for All

The 4-day workweek model varies effectiveness based on the company. Customer satisfaction may decrease if the office is closed one day a week. Many industries such as manufacturing, personal support, support work, etc would be unable to make these changes.

Final Thoughts

The 4-day workweek is a desirable change for many companies. If applicable for a company to implement, a 4-day workweek is beneficial and positive. Although it is not meant for all and should be carefully considered before implemented. Taking a month to potentially trial run a 4-day workweek schedule can allow your company to receive feedback and study results to see if it is the right switch for them.

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