What are the Benefits of Rethinking Healthcare Coverage?
May 12, 2020
Let’s imagine the check engine light goes on. We are told to buy a new car. We are also told in order to acquire the car; people must use the same processes they now use to provide health coverages from the our healthcare systems. Talk about two extremes.
Who would be involved as players? I can think of a dozen giants off the top of my head.
Medical Players
Automobile Players
Big Pharma
Big Manufacturers
Big Insurance
Small Dealer
Big Employers
Small Web
Small Repair
Insurance agents
Small Parts
Big Claims TPA
Big Oil
Big Networks
Big Insurance
Big Legal
Big Legal
Big Finance
Big Government
Small Employers
Big Government
Big Hospitals
Insurance agents
Those giant US systems above, marked with an X (about 70% with Medical Players,) have a huge impact on our abilities to perform well in terms of reasonableness, value and cost. There are too many X’s in the Medical Delivery System.
Anyway, my guess is that if our medical system was about to or actually selling you cars…
- You would have to notify your employer, his costs could go up, and gulp, impact your salary.
- You would not shop for the dealer, or even the car… or anything – that’s not your business.
- You do not know the price of the car ahead of time– that is not your business.
- You may not even know the make and model of the car… after you buy it.
- You participate in long waits to make future appointments no matter what the call or visit is about, unless its roadside assistance.
- After you show up, every appointment requires an hour wait before you are called.
- Every appointment requires 10 to 20 minutes of paperwork.
- You are asked the same questions several times and God forbid, if you forget your ID card.
- Every appointment has a requirement – you drive to another ‘pre garage’ facility for another 20 minute wait, where you unload your car and then they weigh the car and flash the lights before you can see the mechanic.
- You see the mechanic and he gives you two additives, and says’ “If your car is still smoking in two weeks, you may need a Ferrari mechanic, call me for another appointment then.”
- You get bills all the time that are incomprehensible and often require your employer’s involvement and help.
- You feel you are dealing with too many big systems that can’t be changed by one car buyer.
- You feel like you have traded in responsibility and choice in for being treated like an idiot.
- It’s incredible, it seems shopping to get the best prices, quality and outcomes don’t seem to matter anymore.
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